Outcome Chart - Nunavut - ELA 3

Strand: Uqausiliriniq

Overall Expectations:

1. listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to access and explore prior knowledge and experiences of self and others.

Specific Expectations:

1.1.1 Use conversation to explore personal understanding

1.1.2 Explain examples of text preferences (oral, print, and other media)

1.2.1 Use prior knowledge and new information to draw conclusions

1.2.2 Explore personal and others' opinions and understandings

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations:

2. listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, and other media texts, through a process.

Specific Expectations:

2.1.1 Use prior knowledge to make connections between self and texts (oral, print, and other media)

2.1.2 Set a purpose and discuss anticipated meaning of oral, print, and other media texts; use comprehension strategies to construct, confirm, revise, and explain understanding

2.1.3 Use textual cues to construct and confirm meaning in oral, print, and other media texts

2.1.4 Use vocabulary, language structure, and context to construct meaning of oral, print, and other media texts

2.2.1 Explore a variety of oral, print, and other media texts

2.2.2 Respond to oral, print, and other media texts creatively and critically

2.2.3 Describe similarities and differences between self and portrayals in texts (oral, print, and other media) from other communities

2.3.1 Recognize that the same information can be represented in a variety forms or genres of texts (oral, print, and other media)

2.3.2 Listen to, read, and view to identify the techniques and elements of texts (oral, print, and other media)

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations:

3. listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to plan and focus an inquiry or research and interpret and analyze information and ideas, through a process.

Specific Expectations:

3.1.1 Use self-questioning to determine personal knowledge of a topic and identify information needs in own and group inquiry

3.1.3 Recall and follow a sequential plan for accessing and gathering information for own and group inquiry

3.2.1 Use relevant information from a variety of sources to answer inquiry or research questions

3.2.2 Review information to determine its usefulness to inquiry or research focus

3.2.3 Use knowledge of visual and auditory cues and organizational devices to locate and gather information and ideas

3.2.4 Determine main ideas in information using prior knowledge, predictions, connections, and inferences

3.3.1 Organize and explain information and ideas using a variety of strategies

3.3.2 Record facts and ideas using a variety of strategies; list authors and titles of sources

3.3.3 Determine whether collected information is sufficient or inadequate for established purpose

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations:

4. listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to clarify and enhance oral, written, and visual forms of communication, through a process.

Specific Expectations:

4.1.1 Generate and focus ideas on a topic using a variety of strategies

4.1.2 Prepare to create by exploring the connections between choice of forms, identified audience, and purpose; organize information and ideas

4.1.3 Create original texts (oral, print, and other media)

4.2.1 Participate in developing the criteria for focussed conversations about own and others' texts and representations (oral, print, and other media)

4.2.2 Clarify and extend ideas, and revise organization

4.2.3 Print and begin to write while continuing to develop proficiency with keyboarding and word processing; use related vocabulary

4.2.4 Experiment with language to create desired effect in oral, print, and other media texts

4.4.1 Use techniques to enhance presentations of texts (oral, print, and other media)

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations:

5. listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to celebrate and build community within the home, school, workplace and wider society.

Specific Expectations:

5.1.1 Work in a variety of partnerships and groups to follow preestablished group processes by solving problems collaboratively

5.2.2 Explore own and other cultures

MediaSmarts Resources