Outcome Chart - Manitoba - Print Communications 25S

Common Outcomes

Students will…

3. Assess textual, numerical, aural, and visual information, as well as the source of the media, to determine context, perspective, bias, and/or motive. (G-3.2)

4. Self-assess ICT representations and go beyond established criteria by enhancing meaning and/or artistry, according to topic, audience, purpose, and occasion. (Pr-3.2)

7. Identify possible health issues associated with using ICT. (Examples: ergonomic factors, inactivity, carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive stress injury, eye strain, addictive/obsessive behaviour…) (E-1.4)

8. Apply school division’s acceptable-use policy for ICT. (E-2.1)

9. Apply safety guidelines when communicating electronically. (Examples: email, web pages, threaded discussions, videoconferences, chats, instant messages, camera phones, wikis, blogs, podcasts, online whiteboards…) (E-2.2)

10. Explain consequences of unethical behaviour. (Examples: cyberbullying, promotion of prejudice and hatred, copyright violations, plagiarism, willful destruction/manipulation of data, hacking, propagation of viruses, spamming, software piracy, consumer fraud, identity theft…) (E-2.3)

11. Apply guidelines for ethical and responsible use of ICT. (Examples: respect others’ privacy, protect personal information, follow security procedures, respect intellectual property and credit sources, use licensed software, discourage cyberbullying, collect data ethically, analyze information ethically…) (E-2.4)

12. Evaluate effects of personal ICT behaviour on others. (E-3.1)

13. Weigh personal benefits and risks of using ICT. (E-3.2)

14. Analyze various ICT skills and competencies required in personal career choices. (S-2.2)

15. Analyze advantages and disadvantages of ICT use in society. (Examples: lack of access, consequences of unethical use, ease of manipulating data, ease of communicating information, addictive/obsessive behaviour…) (S-2.3)

16. Weigh society’s right to information access against right to individual privacy. (S-3.1)

17. Weigh benefits versus risks to society of creating new ICTs. (Example: outsourcing jobs…) (S-3.2)

MediaSmarts Resources

Specific Learning Outcomes

1. Plan and produce print documents conforming to recognized standards:

  • Business letters
  • Labels and envelopes
  • Meeting agendas
  • Meeting minutes
  • Research papers in a prescribed style (Examples: MLA, APA, Chicago…)
  • Resumés and cover letters

3. Use language and tone appropriate to the communication

MediaSmarts Resources