Outcome Chart - Manitoba - English as an Additional Language Senior Years

Demonstrate use of language competence

Overall Expectations

Speak and Represent

Specific Expectations

  • Express meaning spontaneously and/or produce with guidance, a short oral presentation on a personal or familiar academic topic in a structured situation, with or without visual aids such as gestures, role-playing/acting out, pictures, realia, multimedia, or other representations
  • With support, produce a short prepared or spontaneous presentation on a personal or familiar academic topic in a structured or unstructured situation with or without visual aids such as gestures, role-playing/acting out, pictures, realia, multimedia, or other representations
  • With targeted support, present and elaborate on thoughts and ideas on a range of familiar and unfamiliar topics, demonstrating an awareness of audience, with or without the use of media
  • With minimal support, present prepared or spontaneous oral or multimedia presentations that elaborate on thoughts and ideas in a coherent and effective manner on familiar and unfamiliar topics

Lessons that meet senior expectations

Demonstrate knowledge of how discourse is organized, structured, and sequenced

Overall Expectations

Recognize text forms

Specific Expectations

  • Recognize and use a variety of media text forms; analyze and identify the organizational structure of a variety of text forms (e.g., folk tale/fable, newspaper article, instructions for a game, website)
  • Use a variety of familiar text forms and media in their own productions (e.g., recipe, comic strip, letters, radio or television report, article, computer presentation)

Lessons that meet senior expectations