Visual Arts 30

Overall Expectations:

CP30.1 Purposefully select and manipulate media and image development strategies to express ideas demonstrating personal style and voice

Specific Expectations:

a.    Select and apply design, composition and image development strategies to enhance personal voice and style

MediaSmarts Resources

Art Exchange
Bias and Crime in Media
Marketing to Teens: Parody Ads - Lesson
Privacy Rights of Children and Teens
Reality Check: Authentication 101
Reality Check: We Are All Broadcasters
The Price of Happiness
Watching the Elections


Overall Expectations:

CP30.2 Independently plan and create art works, in selected media and forms, demonstrating personal voice and artistic growth.

Specific Expectations:


MediaSmarts Resources

Art Exchange
Bias and Crime in Media
Marketing to Teens: Parody Ads - Lesson
Privacy Rights of Children and Teens
Reality Check: Authentication 101
Reality Check: We Are All Broadcasters
The Price of Happiness
Watching the Elections