Outcome Chart - Saskatchewan - Psychology 20 – Social Psychology (Grade 11)

Overall Expectations:

P20.2 Explore how spiritual, biological, cognitive, emotional and social dimensions influence the way we think and feel about the world.

Specific Expectations: 

b. Analyze the role of socio-cultural influences such as customs, lifestyles and values, on physical and social development.

k. Determine how one’s thoughts, feelings and behaviours can influence others.

l. Examine how social perceptions (e.g., stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination) are formed and changed.

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Overall Expectations:

P20.4 Investigate concepts of social-cognitive, dispositional and biological approaches to personality and their affect on an individual.

Specific Expectations:

F. explore influences of social schemas (e.g., world views, experiences) and how they shape an individual’s attitudes and perceptions.

g. Investigate how various techniques used by television, movie producers and game developers influence attitudes of an individual.

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Overall Expectations:

P20.5 Investigate various mental processes in social contexts.

Specific Expectations:

c. Analyze what it means to learn, how social contexts affect how people learn and how one’s gender may affect learning.

d. Explore the perception that gender may have an influence on learning.

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Overall Expectations:

P20.6 Assess impacts of individual behaviour on relationships and society.

Specific Expectations:

a. Discuss previous knowledge about relationships and what constitutes a healthy relationship.

b. Examine various kinds of relationships (e.g., friend, peer, relative, colleague, authority figure, mentor) present in a community and analyze how their actions have an impact on an individual.

c. Analyze benefits and challenges of acceptance, inclusion and sense of belonging in a relationship.

d. Evaluate the impact of isolation and exclusion on self-esteem and self-image.

e. Investigate how peer pressure (e.g., bullying, gangs, team work, supportive friendships) can have an effect on perception of self and others.

f. Explore the relationship between effective and perceived communication (e.g., verbal, non-verbal, social media) and how each affects an individual.

g. Examine how the use of technology (e.g., social media, gaming, texting) can affect interpersonal relationships.

k. Investigate conflict resolution, solution seeking and community support available to an individual in time of crisis (e.g., healing circle, healing lodge, mental health, addiction group, mentor, counsellor).

l. Create a representation (brochure, media advertisement, display, oral presentation) that fosters awareness for inclusion, community support organizations or positive lifestyles.

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Overall Expectations:

P20.7 Investigate connections between mental health and personal environment in relation to holistic development and behaviour.

Specific Expectations:

b. Critique in what ways culture, gender, worldview and self-esteem influence perception.

e. Evaluate how stress and anxiety (e.g., finances, family, social, work, nutrition, physical health) can have an impact on emotional health and well-being and research best practice treatments and supports.

i. Examine studies that present a correlation between drug, alcohol, chemical use and effects on one’s mental health.

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Overall Expectations:

P20.9 Investigate contemporary social psychology issues.

Specific Expectations:

b. Evaluate dysfunctional behaviors (e.g., mood disorders, eating disorders, addictions, self-harm) and their impacts on behaviour and social development.

e. Discuss effects of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination on individual and group behaviour.

m. Analyze what constitutes a healthy relationship.

N. Investigate contemporary beliefs for characteristics of beauty and the influences of cultures and media on defining qualities of beauty.

O. Explore and analyze moral considerations (e.g., plastic surgery, perceptions of body image, body dysmorphia) for societies’ version of physical beauty.

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