Outcome Chart - Saskatchewan - English Language Arts Kindergarten

This outcome chart contains media-related learning outcomes from the Saskatchewan, Kindergarten English Language Arts curriculum, with links to supporting resources on the MediaSmarts site.

In the elementary curriculum in Saskatchewan, learning objectives for media studies are included as a category within the supporting domain, Oracy and Literacy: Media. Media-related objectives can also be found within Speaking and Listening, Reading and Response to Literature, Writing, Educational Drama, Research and Presentation and Computer Applications.

Oracy: Speaking and Listening

It is expected that students will:

Discover and Explore

  • use language to develop and clarify thoughts and feelings
  • pose relevant questions for various purposes – for directions, information, permission and clarity of understanding
  • describe, share and discuss resources, media experiences, events and issues


Oracy and Literacy: Media

It is expected that students will:

  • interpret and respond to a variety of symbols and media
  • use various forms of media to convey information and stories


Oracy and Literacy: Educational Drama

It is expected that students will:

  • role play and simulation to express knowledge and understandings
  • express their own cultural identity
  • extend understanding and appreciation of own cultural identity
  • appreciate similarities and differences in cultures, lifestyles and experiences
