Outcome Chart - British Columbia - English 10 First Peoples: New Media

Big Ideas

  • The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding of diverse, complex ideas about identity, others, and the world.
  • Texts are socially, culturally, geographically, and historically constructed.
  • Self-representation through authentic First Peoples text is a means to foster justice.
  • Digital Citizens have rights and responsibilities in an increasingly globalized society.

Overall Expectations: Comprehending and Connect (reading, listening, viewing)

  • Using oral, written, visual, and digital texts, students are expected individually and collaboratively to be able to:

Specific Expectations

  • Recognize and appreciate the role of story, narrative, and oral tradition in expressing First Peoples perspectives, values, beliefs, and points of view
  • Recognize and appreciate the diversity within and across First Peoples societies as represented in new media and other texts
  • Apply appropriate strategies in a variety of contexts to comprehend written, oral, visual, and multimodal texts
  • Access information for diverse purposes and from a variety of sources and evaluate its relevance, accuracy, and reliability
  • Explore the rights and responsibilities of being a digital citizen
  • Think critically, creatively, and reflectively to explore ideas within, between,
  • Recognize and appreciate how different forms, structures, and features of texts reflect diverse purposes, audiences, and messages
  • Explore the impact of personal and cultural contexts, values, and perspectives in texts
  • Examine how specific new media techniques and devices enhance and shape
  • Examine the suitability of selected media for purpose and audience
  • Explore the authenticity of First Peoples new media texts

Specific Expectations: Create and Communicate (writing, speaking, presenting)

  • Respectfully exchange ideas and viewpoints from diverse perspectives to build shared understandings and extend thinking
  • Respond to text in personal, creative, and critical ways
  • Demonstrate speaking and listening skills in a variety of formal and informal contexts
  •  Recognize intellectual property rights and community protocols and apply as necessary
  • Express an opinion and support it with evidence
  • Use digital media to collaborate and communicate both within the classroom and beyond its walls
  • Use writing and multimedia design processes to plan, develop, and create texts for a variety of purposes and audiences
  • Assess and refine texts to improve clarity and impact
  • Select and use media appropriate to purpose, audience, and context

MediaSmarts Resources