Outcome Chart - Alberta - Art 9

This outcome chart contains media-related learning outcomes from the Alberta, Art Grade 9 curriculum, with links to supporting resources on the MediaSmarts site.


Overall Expectations:

Investigate: Students will develop the ability to investigate visual relationships in their recorded images and in the environment.

Specific Expectations:

Students will employ and arrange elements and principles to make compositions.

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations:

Communicate: Students will express technical competencies and individual insights

Specific Expectations:

Students will use expressiveness in their use of elements in the making of images

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations:

Articulate and Evaluate: Students will apply visual, analytical and critical skills and develop control and competency.

Specific Expectations:

Students will use the techniques of art criticism for analysis and comparison of art works.

MediaSmarts Resources


Overall Expectations:

Components: Students will develop competence with the components of images:  media, techniques and design elements

Specific Expectations:

Students will experiment with techniques and media within complete compositions of two and three dimensions.

MediaSmarts Resources


Overall Expectations:

Impact of Images: Students will understand that art reflects and affects cultural character

Specific Expectations:

Students will become aware of the importance society places upon various works of art.

MediaSmarts Resources