Outcome Chart - Alberta - English Language Arts Grade 8

Listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences

Discover and Explore

  • review, reread and reflect on oral, print and other media texts to explore, confirm or revise understanding
  • discuss and respond to ways that forms of oral, print and other media texts enhance or constrain the development and communication of ideas, information and experiences
  • pursue personal interest in specific genres by particular writers, artists, storytellers and filmmakers


Student Tutorials (Licensed Resource)

Listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to manage ideas and information

Select and Focus

  • develop and use criteria for evaluating the usefulness, currency and reliability of information for a particular research project



Educational Game

Student Tutorials (Licensed Resource)

Listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and collaborate with others

Respect Others and Strengthen Community

  • compare own with others’ understanding of people, cultural traditions and values portrayed in oral, print and other media texts
  • clarify and broaden perspectives and opinions, by examining the ideas of others
  • compare ways in which oral, print and other media texts reflect specific elements of cultures or periods in history


Student Tutorials (Licensed Resource)