Outcome Chart - Alberta - English Language Arts 11 (ELA 20-2)

Listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences

Discover Possibilities

  • generate and experiment with strategies that contribute to forming tentative understandings, interpretations and positions

Experiment with Language, Image and Structure

  • experiment with language, image and structure to create different effects in particular situations and for particular purposes and audiences

Express Preferences and Expand Interests

  • reflect on personal text preferences, identity influences that have contributed to the formation of these preferences and selected strategies that may be used to
  • expand interests in tests and text creators expand interests in a range of genres and a variety of texts and text creators, and explain how the content and style of various texts appeal to audiences with particular interests and preferences


Listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to comprehend literature and other texts in oral, print, visual and multimedia forms, and respond personally, critically, and creatively

Discern and Analyze Content

  • paraphrase key messages in a specific text and identify elements present in the communication situation, in order to describe the text creator’s purpose and target audience
  • explain how a text can be studied to understand the context—or aspects of the communication situation within which the text was created
  • use strategies to gain background knowledge about history and society when studying a particular text

Understand and Interpret Content

  • identify figurative language, symbol and familiar allusions in texts; interpret figurative language in terms of its contribution to the meaning of a text; and explain how imagery contributes to the creation of atmosphere, theme and characterization in a text
  • recognize visual and aural elements in texts, and explain how these elements add meaning to texts

Use Reference Strategies and Reference Technologies

  • use a variety of appropriate reference strategies and references technologies to aid understanding
  • create and use own reference materials to aid understanding

Relate Form, Structure and Medium to Purpose, Audience and Content

  • describe audience factors that may have influenced a text creator’s choice of form and medium
  • explain how a variety of organizational patterns and structural features contribute to purpose and content
  • analyze the effect of medium on message


These outcomes can be found in many lessons available from the Lesson Library, including:

Relate Elements, Devices and Techniques to Created Effects

  • describe how textual elements that are effective in the creation of atmosphere are also effective in terms of tone and voice
  • recognize irony and humour in print and nonprint texts, and identify language and ideas used to create irony and humour
  • analyze persuasive techniques used in a variety of print and nonprint texts


Connect Self, Text, Culture and Milieu

  • identify and consider personal moral and ethical perspectives, as well as cultural perspectives, when studying literature and other texts; and reflect on and monitor how perspectives change as a result of interpretation and discussion
  • respond personally and analytically to ideas developed in literature and other texts
  • respond personally and critically to cultural and societal influences presented in Canadian and international texts


Evaluate the Verisimilitude, Appropriateness and Significance of Print and Nonprint Texts

  • identify criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of texts, monitor the effectiveness of the criteria, and modify the criteria as needed
  • analyze and assess images in print and nonprint texts in terms of created reality and appropriateness to purpose and audience

Appreciate the Effectiveness and Artistry of Print and Nonprint Texts

  • recognize that texts can be effective and artistic, and use terminology appropriate to the forms studied for discussing and appreciating the effectiveness and artistry of a variety of texts
  • describe the effectiveness of various texts, including media texts, for presenting feelings, ideas and information, and for evoking response


Listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to manage ideas and information

Plan Inquiry or Research, and Identify Information Needs and Sources

  • identify and predict the usefulness of information sources intended to fill gaps between prior knowledge and required information

Evaluate Sources, and Assess Information

  • reflect on and describe strategies to evaluate information sources and for credibility and bias and for quality; and select, monitor, and modify strategies as needed to evaluate sources and detect bias
  • assess information sources for credibility appropriateness to purpose, audience and presentation form
  • assess the accuracy, completeness, currency and relevance of information selected from sources; and assess the appropriateness of the information to purpose
  • identify and describe possible biases of sources and describe the possible effects of such biases on the credibility of information



Listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to create oral, print, visual and multimedia texts, and enhance clarity and artistry of communication

Assess Text Creation Context

  • reflect on the purposes for text creation and on own motives for selecting strategies to engage an audience; and consider potential consequences of choices regarding text creation
  • address audience factors that affect text creation

Consider and Address Form, Structure and Medium

  • select a text form appropriate to the purpose for text creation and consistent with the content to be presented in the text
  • explore a variety of structures consistent with form, content and purpose when creating texts
  • select an effective medium appropriate to content and context, and explain its use
  • understand the concept of convention; and apply it to oral, print, visual and multimedia text forms when appropriate

Develop Content

  • take ownership of text creation, by selecting or crafting a topic, concept or idea that is personally meaningful and engaging
  • recognize and assess personal variables and contextual variables that influence the selection of a topic, concept or idea; and address these variables to increase the likelihood of successful text creation
  • establish a focus for text creation, and communicate scope by framing an effective controlling idea or describing a strong unifying effect

Use Production, Publication and Presentation Strategies and Technologies Consistent with Content

  • meet particular production, publication and display requirements for print texts as appropriate to purpose, audience, and situation
  • match presentation materials, strategies and technologies to purpose, audience and situation


Listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and collaborate with others

Use Language and Image to Show Respect and Consideration

  • analyze and describe language and image; used in literature and other texts to convey respectful and considerate, or disrespectful and inconsiderate, perspectives and attitudes
  • analyze and describe positive or negative portrayals of characters in literature and persons in life, and be sensitive to the feelings of others
  • analyze behavioural expectations of a communication situation, explain how verbal and nonverbal communication contributes to the inclusion or exclusion of individuals involved in a communication situation, and use verbal and nonverbal communication that is inclusive of other individuals

Appreciate Diversity of Expression, Opinion and Perspective

  • explain how selected works of literature and other print and nonprint texts convey, shape and, at times, challenge individual and group values and behaviours
  • analyze the relationship between a text creator’s ideas and opinions and his or her underlying assumptions
