Prince Edward Island - English Language Arts 571A/B (Grade 11)

Reading and Viewing

SCO 5: Use personal strategies after reading to interpret the meaning of text.

Students who have achieved this outcome should be able to:

a. describe personal reactions

b. retell and summarize events and/or information

d. distinguish main ideas and supporting details

e. make text to self, text to text, and text to world connections

h. generate questions for further reflection or research

i. reflect on meaning making-processes

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SCO 6: Critically analyse the purpose, structure, and characteristics of text (e.g., fiction, non-fiction, drama, poetry, and visual/multimedia)

Students who have achieved this outcome should be able to:

a. read a wide variety of print, and visual/multimedia texts (e.g., advertising, film, journalism, music videos, social media posts, television) from different provinces, countries, and cultures including Indigenous perspectives and selections inclusive of gender identity, and sexual orientation that promote equality and enhance students understanding of a diverse society

e. identify characteristics of text:

  • fictional/narrative non-fiction: setting, conflict, plot, characterization, and point of view
  • non-fiction: thesis, argument/explanation, supporting details, and point of view
  • poetry: tone, mood, point of view, and context
  • visual/multimedia: tone, mood, point of view, and context

f. analyse purpose, structure, and characteristics of text

g. personally and critically respond to texts

h. use evidence from text to support judgments; cite appropriately

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SCO 7: Evaluate how identity and culture are portrayed in a variety of texts

a. read a wide variety of print, and visual/multimedia texts (e.g., advertising, film, journalism, music videos, social media posts, television) from different provinces, countries, and cultures including Indigenous perspectives and selections inclusive of gender identity, and sexual orientation that promote equality and enhance students understanding of a diverse society

b. identify the author’s portrayal of identity and culture

c. analyse identity and culture in a variety of texts

d. pose questions to clarify understanding

e. consider their own and others’ interpretation of a text

f. seek further information to clarify understanding

g. assess reliability of information

h. make connections among different texts

i. share viewpoints and perspectives with others

j. use examples from text to justify viewpoints and perspectives

k. respect the needs, rights, and responsibilities of others

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Writing and Other Ways of Representing

SCO 8: Support points of view using credible, properly cited information from research

Students who have achieved this outcome should be able to

a. understand the inquiry process to meet specific purposes: planning, retrieving, processing, creating, sharing, evaluating

b. differentiate between reliable and unreliable information

c. synthesize information to support a specific purpose using reliable information

d. defend reliability and validity of information

e. cite information properly

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SCO 9: Construct an increasing range of written and visual/multimedia texts(narrative, expository, persuasive, poetry, and research)

Students who have achieved this outcome should be able to:

a. study mentor texts and mimic writing styles

a. use the writing process to develop writing and representing (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, publishing)

b. select appropriate form, style, and content for specific audiences and purposes (narrative, expository, persuasive)

c. create an organized structure that supports the purpose, audience, and context of texts

d. use the six write traits to develop writing (ideas, organization, word choice, voice, sentence structure, and conventions)

e. demonstrate an awareness of their writing style and preferences

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