Outcome Chart – Prince Edward Island - Writing 11: 421A

Overall Expectations:

Students will be expected to write, both independently and collaboratively, for a variety of audiences and purposes.

Specific Expectations:

Students will be expected to:

  1. use writing with confidence and imagination to reflection, explain, and describe their own experiences, thoughts, ideas, and learning.
  2. demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationship of content, format, and style by experimenting with various forms of expression.
  3. select appropriate form, style, language, and content for the specific audience and purpose
  4. demonstrate an understanding of the writing process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, publication)
  5. demonstrate critical and creative thinking in their writing

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations:

Students will be expected to use writing to integrate information, using a variety of strategies, resources, and technologies to create original text.

Specific Expectations:

Students will be expected to:

2.1 conduct research into a selected topic using an inquiry process

          2.1.2 retrieving evaluate information

2.1 conduct research into a selected global issue using an inquiry process

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations:

Students will be expected to write effectively, clearly, and precisely.

Specific Expectations:

Students will be expected to:

3.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the traits of effective writing (ideas, organization, word choice, voice, sentence fluency, conventions)

MediaSmarts Resources