Outcome Chart - Ontario - Designing Your Future 11 Open GWL3O

Personal Knowledge and Management Skills

Overall Expectations:

By the end of this course, students will:

  • analyse their personal characteristics, strengths, interests, skills, and competencies to determine career-related goals;
  • maintain a portfolio for use in career planning that provides up-to-date evidence of knowledge, skills, interests, and experience;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the personal-management skills, habits, and characteristics that could contribute to success in their selected postsecondary destinations and independent adult life.

Specific Expectations:

Portfolio Development

By the end of this course, students will:

  • explain the benefits of the portfolio process as a strategy for directing the management of their own learning;
  • describe the purpose and content of both comprehensive portfolios and portfolios targeted for specific purposes (e.g., for specific jobs, interviews, scholarships, program admissions, community-based leadership opportunities)
  • explain their choices of specific portfolio items as evidence of selected knowledge, skills, and personal accomplishments

Personal Management

By the end of this course, students will:

  • identify and describe the personal-management skills (e.g., organizational skills, problem solving, scheduling tasks),habits (e.g., meeting timelines), and characteristics (e.g., showing initiative, adapt-ability) that could contribute to success in their postsecondary learning, work, or community life, and explain their importance;
  • explain the internal and external influences (e.g., parental expectations, peer pressure, financial situation) that can affect their career-related decision making
  • demonstrate the use of time- and priority-management strategies to help achieve a healthy lifestyle that balances school, family, work, and leisure activities;
  • identify effective risk-, stress-, and anger-management strategies and use them appropriately in school and/or community-based activities

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Interpersonal Knowledge and Skills

Overall Expectations:

By the end of this course, students will:

  • demonstrate interpersonal and teamwork skills required for success in their school, work, and community activities;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the elements of group dynamics in a variety of settings;
  • explain ways in which they can make a contribution to their communities and ways in which the community can assist them with career planning

Specific Expectations:

Group Dynamics

By the end of this course, students will:

  • demonstrate respectful and responsible behaviours (e.g., respect for levels of authority, respect for diversity, responsibility for one’s actions) in groups at school and in community-based learning activities;
  • explain how diversity (e.g., cultural, eco-nomic, gender, intellectual) among members in a group may affect group dynamics in a positive way (e.g., by providing broader perspectives, a wider range of ideas, more varied strengths);
  • explain how conflict-resolution strategies (e.g., mediation, negotiation) can be used to reach mutually agreeable solutions in work-related situations;
  • describe the skills necessary to act as an advocate for themselves or others in various situations involving prejudice, bullying, or discrimination

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Preparation for Transitions and Change

Overall Expectations:

By the end of this course, students will:

  • demonstrate an understanding of the transition process and the strategies used to facilitate change

Specific Expectations:

Managing Change

By the end of this course, students will:

  • describe the practical and psychological challenges (e.g., increased independence, greater responsibilities) that are part of secondary school graduates’ transitions to new roles and environments (e.g., work, postsecondary education/training, independent adult life)

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